QCLoaded v.1.4 released


Avatar: Claps

2006-09-21 10:23

QCLoaded v.1.4 released

Due some size limitations, the "official" release of Quick.Cart loaded v.1.4 was stripped of TinyMCE editor and online statistics. List of plugins is now:

Quick.Cart v.1.4.

pluginManager v.2.0 product Attributes v.2.3
bandedCouriers v.2.0 taxAndDiscount v.2.2
templateEdit v.2.0 htmlMailOrderDetails v.2.0
ordersStatistics v.1.0 imageWatermark v.1.4
productsInRow v.1.2 lastProduct v.0.3
randomProduct v.0.3 basketSummary v.2.0 updated, modified

- added code (index.php, templates/page.tpl) to display elapsed time to generate page.
- added a modified version of default.css so categories menu can be displayed to right or left ( right.css, default.css) from Admin section
- also a drop shadow added to main frontend (*.css, templates/page.tpl)
- slight modification in installation of older plugins (lastProduct, randomProduct, productsInRow) to respond to enable/disable actions of pluginManager
- added two lang definitions (en.php) - titles for lastProduct, randomProduct plugins
- modification of lastProduct.tpl and randomProduct.tpl to make use of titles
- slightly modified basketSummary so now it displays items in basket and basket total (added a variable in basketSummary.php, two lang-variables in en.php, and modify basketsummary.tpl accordingly)
- modified actions_admin/orders.php so now clicking on 'Add to basket' no more gets you to the basket

Download link is, as usual, http://opensolution.org/download/?sDir=Quick.Cart/plugins (around 750 kb).

I am offering also the "fat" release of Quick.Cart loaded, with TinyMCE editor and onlineStatistics installed, at http://www.vbabes-cv.ro/claps/ (around 1,6 Mb).


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2006-09-21 12:17

Claps, many thanks for all the hard work.


Avatar: Claps

2006-09-21 12:25

Ned - no problem, I am a fan of the script. The only regret is that I don't have the all time I want to do more (I have 2 jobs at the moment, trying to make a living and unfortunately seems that is not enough, I have to take other occasional jobs).


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2006-09-21 21:39

Thank you very much Claps! =) It's very kind of you to share your hard work with us when you are so busy.


Avatar: len

2006-09-26 18:51

Thank you claps for the fat loaded quick.cart 1.4 . Looks very good.

greetings luke


Avatar: nicarcola

2006-09-28 12:24

I installed the "fat" release and tested till the order delivery. On this page the client has to fill in his name etc. In V1.3 if you did send your data and it was incorrect you did get a popup with the incorrect foelds and the incorrect fields had an red border. In the new version I do'nt get a popup but a new page with the message that I have to fill in all fields.

You can test this on www.vanweeghel.nl/public_html/QCloaded



Avatar: Claps

2006-09-28 16:32

nicarcola - I will take a look this evening.


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2006-10-01 23:48

i miss the red border too... it was easier for shoppers they could see witch fields need attention and correcting.

Please Claps, If U find a solution i would happy to hear!



Avatar: Claps

2006-10-02 09:35

nicarcola , 5py - seems that the trouble is caused by the addition to templates/checkForm.js by ImageWatermark plugin from Wizzud. I wrote to him but no answer till now so

1. overwrite templates/checkForm.js from loaded QC with original templates/checkForm.js from QC v.1.4. release


2. in templates/checkForm.js locate code

* Wizzud ...*/
if( aA[i][1] )
sT = aA[i][1];
sT = false;
sT = true;
} /*... /Wizzud */

and replace it with

if( aA[i][1] )
sT = aA[i][1];
sT = false;


Avatar: nicarcola

2006-10-02 19:13

I did what you wrote under no 2. It works well. Only I don't know if the imagewatermark is still working. For the good listener, checkform.js is in the JS directory and not in templates.

Thanks, Nico.



Avatar: sergeh

2006-10-02 19:31

What about categories.. it doesn't seem that one product can have multiple categories.. The listbox became a dropdown even though in products_form.tpl it's a listbox... any clue why it's doing that?


Avatar: sergeh

2006-10-02 19:32

please disregard my last post found my error


Avatar: Claps

2006-10-02 19:53

nicarcola - yes, my fault, the rush :) (checkform.js in the JS directory and not in templates.)


Avatar: Claps

2006-10-02 19:55

nicarcola - and yes, imagewatermark is working, at least on my computer and on the server online that I tested


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2006-10-02 23:18

made the second version too... it works
imagewatermark too!

Thanks Claps!


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2006-10-03 04:01

Rocking release!!! This cart is HOT!!! Thank you so much...This cart rocks the Ecommerce world!


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2006-10-05 09:46

This is a problem with the implementation of the Image Watermark plugin code for the checkForm.js script in this Loaded version.
A forwad slash has been missed out, negating what should have been a comment, so the first line of step 2 in Claps entry above should be

/* Wizzud ...*/

Note the insertion of the missing forward slash!

Simply put this forward slash back in its rightful place and the code will work fine!

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