QCLoaded v.1.4


Avatar: Claps

2006-09-20 11:38

QCLoaded v.1.4 almost ready.

Online demo on http://www.vbabes-cv.ro/demo/ . Soon download link. Until then test it, test it, test it.... Also if you have suggestions, observations ...

from readme.txt...:

Quick.Cart v.1.4.

pluginManager v.2.0 taxAndDiscount v.2.2
bandedCouriers v.2.0 htmlMailOrderDetails v.2.0
templateEdit v.2.0 imageWatermark v.1.4
ordersStatistics v.1.0 lastProduct v.0.3
productsInRow v.1.2 basketSummary v.2.0 updated, modified
randomProduct v.0.3 onlineStatistics v.0.2
product Attributes v.2.3


- TinyMCE Editor installed and enabled for longDescription field for products and categories

- added code (index.php, templates/page.tpl) to display elapsed time to generate page.

- added a modified version of default.css so categories menu can be displayed to right or left ( right.css, default.css) from Admin section

- also a drop shadow added to main frontend (*.css, templates/page.tpl)

- slight modification in installation of older plugins (lastProduct, randomProduct, productsInRow) to respond to enable/disable actions of pluginManager

- added two lang definitions (en.php) - titles for lastProduct, randomProduct plugins

- modification of lastProduct.tpl and randomProduct.tpl to make use of titles

- slightly modified basketSummary so now it displays items in basket and basket total (added a variable in basketSummary.php, two lang-variables in en.php, and modify basketsummary.tpl accordingly)

- modified actions_admin/orders.php so now clicking on 'Add to basket' no more gets you to the basket


1. Admin section - > user: admin password: admin
2. Various categories and products added to demonstrate capabilities of script
3. 3 Couriers added, for bandedCouriers plugin functionality
4. 1 test order so the ordersStatistics plugin to show something
5. test attributes defined, for the productAttributes plugin functionality
6. right.css selected template
7. htmlMailOrderDetails plugin disabled - configure mail sending options and then enable from pluginManager
8. rest of plugins enabled and with implicit settings (see docs for each)
9. all modifications commented (hope I didn't forget anything)


Avatar: theaxe

2006-09-20 14:43


Looks great. Very nice, looking forward to the download version.




No avatar

2006-09-20 19:04

Great stuff Claps, thanks! The new features are going to be very useful =)

All seems to be working ok. Have you aligned the container to the left of the browser on purpose or is it supposed to be centered as usual?

Thanks again!


Avatar: Claps

2006-09-20 19:17

Jo - No, someone modified with template editor page.tpl or the css. It supposed to be centered, as usual, and to have a shadow. I will correct the files as soon as I reach my computer.


Avatar: Claps

2006-09-20 19:21

Well, I managed to solve it online, the shadow div was deleted.


No avatar

2006-11-01 21:15

i think to use this loaded QC when in will be avaible for downloading?


Avatar: Claps

2006-11-02 07:46

nodanoshi - QC loaded v.1.4 is available for download some weeks now. Look here: http://www.opensolution.org/Quick.Cart/forum/index.php?p=readTopic&nr=2884


No avatar

2006-11-07 10:07

Hello Claps,

Thank you for your great efforts with this QC loaded 1.4.. we have used it for our online store.


We also made a few other modifications, but the great majority of this store is from your release.

Keep up the fantastic work, we are very impressed.


Avatar: Claps

2006-11-07 10:48

glen - thanks for appreciation, but the credits should go to the guys from OpenSolution who wrote this software and released it free.


Avatar: Oxana

2006-11-10 23:56

Claps, thank you
I note than after login, admin-panel of QC loaded 1.4 doesn`t work in Opera 9.0
Is it bag?


Avatar: Claps

2006-11-13 07:45

Oxana - nope, i think it's something with your Opera 9 configuration (enable cookies), the release was tested against 3 or 4 browsers and worked fine.


Avatar: Oxana

2006-11-14 00:30

Claps -- thank you for answering, but cookies are enabled in my Opera 9 :(
QCart_loaded 1.4 -- Lightbox doesn`t work in IE 6.0
-- dark background without gallery and IE propose to download picture
(in others applications with LightBoxGallery my IE works well)


Avatar: rdc_p2

2007-05-07 21:42

There be a newsletter for this vertion?



Avatar: idaryl

2007-05-08 00:29

I went to the admin section and enabled the paypal option (great idea), but, after saving the preset for paypal and going to store the paypal ability does not appear, is there something I missed?


Avatar: idaryl

2007-05-08 00:43

OK so I figured out that you disable the bank check and ther settings to enable paypal? why? dont you think it would be better to have them all available?. Anyway, after a successful order the page is replaced by the paypal window (same window) it would be better idf the paypal window opened in a new/blank page, so the user never leaves the shopping cart - isnt the code for that somewhere in the forum here? I think the code is housed in the messages.tpl page.


Avatar: idaryl

2007-05-08 00:55

Lightbox works in Safari 2.0.4 on a Mac 10.4.9

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