Adding a weight class


Avatar: idaryl

2006-09-18 06:09

I'm looking at the instructions for the Banded Couriers
Warning: Banded Couriers is based on the principle of diminishing costs, ie. the larger the order the lower the courier charges. If you have courier charges that increase with order size this plugin WILL NOT WORK for you!

and found that although this is a good thing for those who want to have the buy more for less (discounts) -- there are some stores that have to deliver multiple amounts of the same product, so if you have a 10lb item costing $30 to deliver cross-country (delivering 30 of these - 300lbs definately would not cost less -- actually more! something like about 900-700)

So a fixed weight price or an adjustable amount - getting the info from the -- $aData[fCourierPrice] -- and multiplying it by the -- $aList[fSummary] --??

That way if an item costing $30 to ship would be multiplied by the amount of items ordered - make sense?

Then a pre-determined price range to cover shipping costs should cover any expenses incurred.



Avatar: idaryl

2007-06-03 10:44

I asked about this awhile ago - I s there anyone out there with some help?

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