2006-08-31 17:03
INSER IN ADD PRODUCTS MY PRODOCT. INSERT PHOTO IN Add File SELECT FOTO DA DESTOP EX CICCIO.JPG AND SAVE MA ERRORR Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in c:\programmi\easyphp1-8\www\xxxxxxxxxxxxx\libraries\FotoJobs.php on line 238 PLEASE HELP
2006-08-31 18:09
resolutionidea - you don' t have the GD extension with easyPHP. Uncomment the line "extension=php_gd2.dll" in php.ini and restart the PHP extension. Change: #extension=php_gd2.dll To: extension=php_gd2.dll
2006-08-31 23:16
extension=php_gd2.dll ??????? change extension=php_gd2.dll con #extension=php_gd2.dll in C:\Programmi\EasyPHP1-8\php\php.ini ??????????? non unzion Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in c:\programmi\easyphp1-8\www\xxxxxxxxxxxxx\libraries\FotoJobs.php on line 238
2006-08-31 23:23
ok ok good change in apache directory php.ini