How to use Mod rewrite with QC?


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2006-08-29 13:16

As a rule all QC url's look's like ***?p=productsList&iCategory=3&sName=***
But search engines don't like such kind of url for indexing...
How to write a mod_rewrite rules for QC?

wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2006-08-29 13:26

we know that but it is a lot of work to change all links in qc to rewrite module, but if you really want it contact us


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2006-08-29 16:54

You could try putting up a basic index.html page with the correct meta headers at the top level of the site and putting a robots.txt file in to only allow that to be indexed.


Avatar: d3mon

2006-09-01 15:16

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