Integrating Quckcart with CSS template


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2006-08-18 00:05

Hi all,
Really hope you can help me as I am not familiar with php.
I love the quickcart software but want to integrate with a website I am making for a friend.
If you look here you can see the site.

It is frameless and I want the shop to fit into the main area on the right.
I've tried copying and pasting the index.php code into my main.html page but it doesnt work and I don't want to lose the style of my website by doing this.
I also would like to keep the category options on my ite rather than have them in quickcart.

If anyone can give me a pointer I'd be really happy !

Please help if you can !



Avatar: Claps

2006-08-18 10:43

You can try with <iframe> and adjust QC templates/default.css accordingly:
<div id="main"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="main area" -->
<iframe src="http://localhost/main/Quick.Cart/" frameborder="0">
<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->


Avatar: Claps

2006-08-18 10:45

some points here:


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2006-08-19 13:05

Thankyou for this help.
I now have the shop visible altho I cannot get it to fill the frame even though I have defined the width and height = 100%
Can you give me another pointer ?
Thanks !


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2006-08-19 13:14

also it looks different when viewed thro IE6 (looks odd) and through Firefox (width is fine height is tiny)


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2006-08-19 13:49

Try to specify width and height not as percent, but as pixels?


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2006-08-19 13:59

Thansk for the advice - I didn't think it would help but it has !
Now I have the problemthat if you view in internet explorer the shop seems to appear partway down the page and has a horizontal scrollbar.
Any ideas ?


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2006-08-19 14:03

You should give it more width to make horizontal scrollbar disappear.


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2006-08-19 14:06

As for IE problem, it just what it is, IE problem, not yours.
Maybe there is a solution, but I can't help.

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