Online Statistics 0.2 install help


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2006-08-16 14:09

I follow the instruction step by step and I reach step 6:
"Insert variable $sOnlineStatistics where you want online statistics to appear (categories_menu.tpl reccomended)".
It is not clear for me, where exactly in categories_menu.tpl to insert the variable. Could someone give an example. Sorry, I'm not so familiar with coding.
Thanks in advance for help!!!

I'm using QC 1.2


Avatar: Claps

2006-08-16 15:35

loginn - open templates/categories_menu.tpl and find something like <!-- BEGIN LIST_FOOTER -->.
Example how it should look:
<br />


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2006-08-16 16:14

Thanks Claps
I did what you told me. It's strange but OnlineStatistics does not appear as a plugin under Plugin Manager 2.0. I can see only the plugins installed before.
Further advising will be greatly appreciated!


Avatar: Claps

2006-08-16 16:28

loginn - Online statistics is installed as a new plugin or as an upgrade?


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2006-08-16 16:46

As new plugin


Avatar: Claps

2006-08-16 16:53

Did you clear the browser cache and made a refresh?


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2006-08-16 16:55

yes, many times


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2006-08-16 17:02

all I did is this:
# Copy the entire onlineStatistics folder from the release/plugins/ folder into your Quick.Cart plugins/ folder.
# Copy the contents of the release/db/ folder into your Quick.Cart db/ folder.
# Copy the contents of the release/templates/ folder to your Quick.Cart templates/folder (1 file: online_statistics.tpl).
# Copy the contents of the release/templates/admin folder to your Quick.Cart templates/admin/ folder (1 new file: online_statistics.tpl).
# In templates/admin/page.tpl file find the lines
<div id="tools" class="menu" onmouseover="menuMouseover( event );">
<a class="menuItem" href="?p=otherValidate"><span class="menuItemText">$lang[Validate]</span></a>
and insert one line (highlighted below) to make the code like
<div id="tools" class="menu" onmouseover="menuMouseover( event );">
<a class="menuItem" href="?p=otherValidate"><span class="menuItemText">$lang[Validate]</span></a>
<a class="menuItem" href="?p=statisticsList"><span class="menuItemText">$lang[stats_list]</span></a>

Then I inserted $sOnlineStatistics in templates/categories_menu.tpl
and when I go to the Configuration - Plugins option on the Admin menu I don't see OnlineStatistics plugin to configure.
I don't know what I'm missing?


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2006-08-16 17:05

Is it compatible with QC v1.3 only? I have QC v1.2.


Avatar: Claps

2006-08-16 17:11

Did you have an folder called ' onlineStatistics' in your Quick.Cart /plugins/ folder ?


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2006-08-16 17:44

Of course, for some reason I have uploaded onlineStatistics folder to Quick.Cart folder instead to Quick.Cart /plugins/ folder. Now I can enable onlineStatistics plugin. Claps, thank you very much, really!!! Now I see that I have another problem and will open a topic for that. You can check it in few minutes if you like.

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