FCK editor in CMS image upload


Avatar: eremcee

2006-08-16 13:39

Fck editor installed in cms, works fine, exept the image upload, I can´t get this thing to work.
Tried everything. Somebody any suggetions?



Avatar: openzibi

2006-08-16 15:21

eremcee - Look at p5:


Avatar: eremcee

2006-08-16 15:27

Thanx openzibi,

Looked there, tried everything changed the userfiles etc. last time i tried to upload it was DOWNLOADING the php connector file??
Even looked at the FCK help files on their pages. It just aint working.



Avatar: Claps

2006-08-17 07:33

eremcee - try this. In fckconfig.js change variables
var _FileBrowserLanguage = 'php' ;
var _QuickUploadLanguage = 'php' ;
and verify that you enabled both the connector and upload scripts.
- in file FCKeditor\editor\filemanager\browser\default\connectors\php\config.php change
$Config['Enabled'] = true;
- - in file FCKeditor\editor\filemanager\upload\php\config.php change
$Config['Enabled'] = true;


Avatar: eremcee

2006-08-17 08:56

Thanx Claps

I allready did that, I allso changed the absolute path in - FCKeditor\editor\filemanager\upload\php\config.php change

Everything else though works fine, i can see the editor, the fck buttons etc.
wenn I want to integrate a pic. it can´t find the server and, wenn i try to upload a image, it is downloading the connector.php. (browser mozilla)


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