Using '' instead of " in 031 products


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2006-08-16 13:20

I need to use " instead of " in 031 products description but it replaces with two single quotes. It works ok in category description.

I guess I need to change something in libraries/TplParser.php
Does anyone have any ideas please

wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2006-08-16 13:56

in "libraries/Trash.php" file in function "changeTxt" change line:

$txt ereg_replace'"'"''"$txt );


$txt ereg_replace'"'""", $txt );

or if you just dont want " change to two single apostrofy:
"core/products-admin.php" in function "addProduct" change line:

$aForm['sFullDescription'] = changeTxt$aForm['sFullDescription'], 'Br' );


$aForm['sFullDescription'] = changeTxt$aForm['sFullDescription'], 'BrNds' );

and then in function "changeProduct" change line:

$aForm['sFullDescription'] = changeTxt$aForm['sFullDescription'], 'Br' );


$aForm['sFullDescription'] = changeTxt$aForm['sFullDescription'], 'BrNds' );

it should work


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2006-08-16 15:02

Thank you wewior as always you are so good and helpful.
I used your first method, though I did need to use:

$txt = ereg_replace( '"', '"', $txt );

instead of:
$txt = ereg_replace( '"', """, $txt );
to get it to work.

Thank you

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