OrderId acting strange


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2006-08-08 00:15


Today, all of a sudden my OrderID jumped from 884 to 973479680.
I use 1.2 and for a few weeks now with updated 1.3 files, all running smooth.
I didn't change anythng.

Does anyone have any idea what might have caused this strange jump ?

I'm from the Netherlands and my shop is in Dutch but for those who need to check the site, the url is: http://www.zwangerschapspagina.nl/shop

Hope someone can help me out,
Thanks in advance,

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-08-08 06:23

Lotte - strange problem. i suggest delete all orders after 884. do delete You need edit db/orders.php, db/orders_products.php


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2006-08-08 08:06

Hi Treewood,

I deleted the orders after 884 in db/orders.php and in db/orders_ext.php.
In db/orders_products.php I can't find 884 if the first number is the orderid, my last line in db/orders_products.php is:

721$885$1$1$7.85$Mid Zwangerschapstest 3 stuks$

Must the first line in db/orders.php start with 1? This is my first line:


When I removed that line the whole thing went crazy and I lost 884. Changed some things again and then I got it back but without the dropdown menu behind it paid, canceled etc. Changed some thins again and it seems to work now but I changed so many lines and order files I have no idea what I did.

Can you please tell me the function of all three order files connected to the orders? orders.php, orders_ext.php and orders_products.php? With maybe lines I shouldn't touch and/or other specifics ?


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-08-08 11:47

Lotte - check database schema:

wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2006-08-08 12:02

here you have db structure:

first line in db/orders.php file should look like:
<?php exit; ?>

i think you must backup all orders and reset order id (clear all order files) or you can try to change order ids to lower value in all that files, but be careful and make backup first

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