sendOrderToClient - Client dont get the email


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2006-08-04 04:32

Hi, first of all great script!
Second.. i did searched the forum about this but i could not find any help.

I have QC 1.3 (LOADED) installed and downloaded

My problem is that i just can get any email order (from the client side).. I dont know what am i doing wrong, there are ionly 2 file on that plug in.. nothing much to configure i believe..

Please, let me know what the problem could be..

NOTE: The server is sending emails, i have checked the option to receive emails (as admin) in the configuration panel.


Avatar: Claps

2006-08-04 07:18

In QC 1.3 Loaded, You alread have installed htmalMailOrderDetails, which as the functionality (among others) to send orders to client. The only problem is that you must uncheck the option to send order from configuration panel.

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