Free shipping over $ordercost amount (again)


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2006-08-03 17:32

I searched forum, the only one good solution i have found is this: , but it is from last year and it is not compatible with newest 1.3 version...

It will be propably very similar like there, but i dont know javascript.......thx


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2006-08-04 13:34

it is almost done, i put into taxanddiscounts.js this:

if(gEBI"orderCost" ).innerHTML 20000){
gEBI"deliveryCost" ).innerHTML 0;
gEBI"summaryCost" ).innerHTML   fix( +gEBI"orderCost" ).innerHTML);

gEBI"exTaxCost" ).innerHTML   fix(+gEBI"exTaxCost" ).innerHTML);
gEBI"taxCost" ).innerHTML   fix( +gEBI"taxCost" ).innerHTML);}

summaryCost is fixed, it doestn change, but price with VAT and VAT (last two lines) is still changing according to the delivery price...

please help at least now..


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2006-08-05 19:43

i am trying still work on it;

in order.php, saveOrder():

function saveOrder$iOrder$aForm ){

$aForm changeMassTxt$aForm'H', Array( 'sComment''lenH' ) );

throwStrLen$aForm['sComment'] ) < )
$aForm['sComment'] = null;
throwStrLen$aForm['sComment'] ) > 500 )
$aForm['sComment'] = substr$aForm['sComment'], 0500 ).'...';

    if( isset( 
$aForm['iCourier'] ) ){
$aCourier explode'|'$aForm['iCourier'] );
$aForm['iCourier'] = $aCourier[0];
$aForm['iCourier'] = null;

$aForm['iOrder']  = $iOrder;
$aCourier         throwCourier$aForm['iCourier'] );

dbSaveOrder$aForm );

 if ( 
$aForm['iOrder']  > 20000){$aCourier['fPrice'] = 0;}

dbAddOrderExtensions( Array( $aForm['iOrder'], time( ), $aForm['iCourier'], $aCourier['sName'], $aCourier['fPrice'], $aForm['sFirstName'], $aForm['sLastName'], $aForm['sCompanyName'], $aForm['sStreet'], $aForm['sZipCode'], $aForm['sCity'], $aForm['sTelephone'], $aForm['sEmail'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $aForm['sComment'] ) );

$GLOBALS['config']['mail_informing'] === true )
mailEMAIL$GLOBALS['lang']['mail_title'], $GLOBALS['lang']['mail_txt'], 'FROM: '.EMAIL );
// end function saveOrder

where is price?


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2006-08-05 22:23

(upper is bad, it has to change somewhere in plugins/taxandsicounts/tax.php)

please forget it, i scratch...


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2006-08-08 18:06

Banded Couriers v2.1?


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2006-08-08 18:50

thx to Wizzud, it works!!

Banded Couriers v2.1 - today released :),fileinfo/filecatid,56/parent,folder/

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