Add Product...missing?


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2006-08-02 21:07

I downloaded the zip and uploaded everything, and it most of it appears to work like a charm, but when I try to add a product, the link "add product" just takes me to a blank page with absolutely nothing on it...


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2006-08-02 21:08

Oh yes, it was the latest stable version, and I did chmod everything successfully. Like I said, for all but the add product link it works great.


Avatar: compie

2006-08-02 21:29

have you tryed the normal version?, or the loaded version

just try the loaded one, and ftp in binary



Avatar: compie

2006-08-02 21:33

i think you have a script error, or i cant find the store, or you programed it in to you site


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2006-08-02 22:45

heh, no, it doesnt work yet.

I guess I could delete it and start over...I uploaded in auto, so the program files were transferred in ascii and the images in binary. I'll do it again, maybe that'll fix it *shrug*


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2006-08-02 22:56

Oh holy crap, it works now, I didnt know it all had to be uploaded in binary, my bad...

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