Shop check out


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2006-08-01 14:14

Hi guys,

I did a new website ( in which I implemented the Quick.Cart shop system (by the way, a really nice made tool, and so simple to set up, good work guys). Now I got a small problem.

In Germany there is a law that says, that before you submit an order in an online Shop, you have to ensure that you have read and unterstood the legal informations for the shop.

So can somebody please help me to include a checkbox into the last submission-site, that you have to check, before the order is submitted?

Thank you in advance!!!


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-08-01 14:48

smik - i think this was solved and answered. search forum first...


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2006-08-01 18:59

i think somewhere in orders_delivery.tpl add check field and javascript; js will control if check field is checked..


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2006-08-01 19:24

can you please help me,
how can i do it, after add the item > to go directly to basket?


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2006-08-02 16:24

thanks treewood, i solved my problem, not with an checkbox, but with a select-box, because there was no real solution with checkbox in the forum.
try it out if you want to!



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