after add pruduct, how auto redirect to go > orderProduct page?


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2006-08-01 13:08

from productList page, after add pruduct,
I like auto redirect to go > orderProduct page
how can I do it, please help me!


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2006-09-13 14:53

i would be intrested too!

wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2006-09-13 14:57

in administration page? please write more information, maybe links to and from that pages you want to be redirect


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2006-09-13 16:30

after adding a product the system shuold redirct to
but its only add it and reload the product information page!


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2006-09-13 18:57

mhh i apologize it is because of the disabled basketSummary plugin?


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2006-09-13 21:53

I think this may be right:

Check the file actions_client/orders.php, around line 25 (I am looking at qcloadedv1.3) between this line -

addOrderProduct( $iProduct, $iQuantity, $iOrder );

after that it should be this:

header( 'Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?p=ordersBasket' );

then it carries on as follows:
elseif( $sOption == 'del' ){
if( isset( $iElement ) && is_numeric( $iElement ) )

Hope that works for you!


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2006-09-13 22:03

The above is to make it go to the basket when a product is added, I think ~lias wanted it to go to the product page, am I right?

If so I think you want this in actions_client/orders.php:

addOrderProduct( $iProduct, $iQuantity, $iOrder );

after that it should be this:

// added for not showing basket
echo "<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>

// end
// original code
header( 'Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?p=ordersBasket' );
// original code

then it carries on as follows:

elseif( $sOption == 'del' ){
if( isset( $iElement ) && is_numeric( $iElement ) )

This is how it was done in Claps qcloaded_v1.3 but someone who knows better might be able to confirm if that's right.


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2006-09-14 05:24

yeahh it works for me! there is even an comment add for lugin....
with some javascript history back... just deleted this! thank you very much... now im almost ready hehe

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