OnlineStatistic Error


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2006-08-01 10:44


Before it works fine but look what happen

Online: 14
Today: 13
Yesterday: 3
Total hits: 2

why is that like this?


Avatar: Claps

2006-08-01 11:58

SLawek - there are 2 possible reasons:
- you deleted the file total.dat from db folder, then the script recreated a new one starting from 0
- your file total.dat was renamed, so the script couldn't find file, so recreated one starting from 0;

You can edit total.dat and put back the value of total hits.


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2006-08-01 12:41

Hi Claps
I did not delete or rename those files it just happen and the stat just stop count can you tell me why?

And I looked in total.dat file and it shows 5 hits?

But don't worry I had backup and now it's ok ;-)

It's just funny that somethink like that happen.
could it bee that the stat stop count and delete all hits when the site have more then 10 visitors online?


Avatar: Claps

2006-08-01 13:17

SLawek - no, the script just verifies if the total file exists, if found, increment the total count, else creates a new total file starting from zero.
Something happened with total.dat file that the script created a new one starting from zero.


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2006-08-01 21:00

Ok Claps But what happened and why and what can I do to this don't happen again? that is just no meaning whit that, I'm sorry my friend but I don't have print screen of that but if you take a look of what the stat sayng it's just don't make any sense:

Online: 14 - is ok
Today: it should be 14 not 13
Yesterday: 3 - is ok
Total hits: 17 not 2

what do you think happened with total.dat? the stat was ok yesterday and is there any way to make the script creat a new file or delete all hits?


Avatar: Claps

2006-08-02 07:27

SLawek - if you look into sources you will see that if the user was online within the last 15 minutes the script Increment the Online count but for the visit only changes the time (last acces) - so Today <> Online in this case. With total.dat I can't tell what happened, I have three online statistics plugins runing online, no problems so far.
To reset stats simply delete detail.dat and total.dat from db folder.
In the mean time take a look at the , admin section->tools-> online statistics and tell me what you think.


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2006-08-02 11:59

Claps the stat it looks good, good work, is it posible to try this? ;-)


Avatar: Claps

2006-08-02 12:05

SLawek - it's a work in progress, if I finish today i will release a new version of OnlineStatistics, if not tomorrow maybe.
I had to complete statistics calculation, to add more graphs, rewrote documentation etc.


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2006-08-02 12:07

Claps don't hurry just take all that time you need ;-)

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