Quickart for 250 Euro


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2006-08-01 08:46

This guy is really amazing he sell quickcart for 250 euro



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2006-08-01 08:52

I think QC must take some Legal action against him.
it#s really shit what he is doing .

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-08-01 13:30

Frevo - thx for info!


Avatar: pepe

2006-08-01 16:44

Hi friends,

i think it's not the shop itselves, what he wants the money for, but the service, to put it on an USB-stick create a design and make it run!


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2006-08-01 20:32

he's telling:

De webshop wordt geleverd inclusief: USB stick, hosting, domeinnaam, software, demofilm en E-Book.

You get for the 250 euro a USB-stick, webhosting, a domeinname, some software, a movie+ebook how to install and work with the shop and software


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2006-08-01 20:51

For 250 euro:
USB-stick, hosting, domeinname, software, demofilm, E-Book

Can someone translate this:
u plugt de USB stick in op uw computer en u kan meteen aan de slag.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-08-01 22:00

Ok problem solved. They delete shop from http://www.ballooncompany.eu/. Problem was not selling product but delete "powered by Quick.Cart" and they replace to "powered by NameOfTheirProduct" and change link to their site


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2006-08-01 23:52

Can someone translate this:
u plugt de USB stick in op uw computer en u kan meteen aan de slag.

Plug the usbstick into your computer and you can start immediately


Avatar: compie

2006-08-02 11:28

Hi its simple, i deliver it to butt whit other programs

buy a usb stick(1Gig) and you gett

A Browser
A chatprogram
A ftp
A E-mail
A Webbuilder
A Anti-virus
A Mediaplayer

just voor the ammount of € 40 (holland without shipping)

just plug in a computer whit internet and run the program, no traces after working.



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2006-08-02 20:24

Ammount ???

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