Product Attributes in Products field NOT showing!


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2006-07-25 21:45

Hi there,

After downloading the QC Fully loaded the shop works like a charm. But I cannot get the Product Attributes working. When i enable the Product Attributes in the Plugin manager, nothing changes in the lay-out when adding a product afterwards. I simply don't see the attributes.

I'm using QC 0.3.0.
I CHMOD all the files needed to 777

I tried to logout/login again, reinstalled the QC again, but nothing works.





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2006-07-26 11:50

Dunno if you've done this, but try adding a temporary or placeholder attribute in the Attributes section of the Admin panel.
Only after I did that (I don't use the placeholder, it just needs one) could I edit things in the Product section.
BTW, nothing changes when adding a product, you have to add a product and change it's attributes through the (A) Icon next to the product, left of the edit and delete icons.



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2006-07-26 13:47

Ok let met sort it out. Thnx in advance for the quick response :-)



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2006-07-26 14:02

Yes, now I see the attribute thing. So you are right, now I can change additional things.

*Bummer* that overlooked that.

But now I have another problem ----> After creating some attributes and enable them on the products page, that's it. I see nothing on the shop itself, not a change at all.

In other words, I don't see any difference at the product description in the shop after enabling the products atributes.




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2006-07-26 23:50

Did you enable the program from your Plugins section in your Admin panel? (Config -> Plugins)



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2006-07-27 10:24

I downloaded, upzipped and uploaded the whole shop again because it did not work.

Now it does, so I think may be there was a file corrupt during unzipping the 1st time.

Thnx for the effort Proxivire.

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