Euro symbol to show left side, after the price, how?


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2006-07-25 15:50

in the>
I enabled euro symbol to left side
but nothing efect!

anybody can please help me? what else I have to do more?
I like to see the euro symbol on left side after the price!


Avatar: Claps

2006-07-25 16:40

Where do you want to appear the euro sign to the left, in all the cart or someplace specific?


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2006-07-25 16:47

in all cart


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2006-07-25 16:54

in all the cart,
you know price in euro, normally put on the left side! so like be appear euro sign to the left!


Avatar: Claps

2006-07-25 16:55

Well, you have to search the tpl' s in /templates/ folder for $config[currency_symbol] and to move it to the right of the price in most of cases.


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2006-07-25 18:39

I only, able to change in the busket summary.tpl

but i need to change in the "products" page!

which tpl page exactly, I have to edit, can you please indicate?


Avatar: Claps

2006-07-26 07:03

Depending of plugins, related tpl's are: products_list.tpl, products_more.tpl, products_print.tpl, productsInRow.tpl, pa.products_list.tpl, pa.products_more.tpl, pa.products_print.tpl, pa.productsInRow.tpl.
Make a search for *.tpl containing text "$config[currency_symbol]" and you'll figure out.


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2006-07-26 14:27

Thank you very much Claps!

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