Dont list products....?


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2006-07-24 22:34


I would like to do so that products are not listet when clicking on a "Main category". Only when users click on a Sub categori they are shown the products in the categori.

Anybody knows what i need to edit tp dp tjos???


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2006-07-24 22:35

"Anybody knows what i need to edit tp dp tjos???"

Should have been

"Anybody knows what i need to edith to make the script doing this"?

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-07-24 22:56

olsen - maybe plugin noProductInCat will be good? download it and try


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2006-07-24 23:23

arrg.. Sorry... Couldt just have opened my eyes.. But thanks..

I've installed it, but know im having another problem...

Warning: Missing argument 3 for dblistproductscategory() in /home/www/web49/html/core/products-ff.php on line 69

Notice: Undefined index: iPage in /home/www/web49/html/core/products-ff.php on line 72


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2006-07-28 11:16

Are you using QC1.3 as I dont think the noProductsInCat plugin works with this yet?


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2006-08-02 21:20

in config.php change row no. 2 to:

error_reporting(E_ALL E_NOTICE);

it will show errors except on these terrible notices ;)

more here:


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2006-08-04 17:09

Can somebody say how to make it work with QC 1.* ??????

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-08-05 09:05

Typoteus - contact with author of this plugin


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2006-08-05 12:44

I have tried but I think his not going to do anything. So what to do then?

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