Anyone know what's up with the HOMAMsoft people?


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2006-07-23 21:55

From here:

It's named different (HS.Cart), and the look of the cart program is kinda different, but it uses the exact same filestructure and text as Quick.Cart

Is that allowed? Since it looks like they basically took Quick.Cart, put their own name and version on it, and made it "theirs".


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-07-23 22:00

Proxivire - it is not allowed. look for plugin plugins/productsInRow and read howTo.txt ... they forget delete info about QC
we will talk to them


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2006-07-23 22:06

lol, figures.

Good luck, dunno if they'll listen. But good luck nontheless, you people got a good bit of software and service here.


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