Fix - 405 Error with IIS


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2006-07-21 15:28

I had an issue getting the Quick.Cart to work with my IIS installation so I looked into the 405 error. I was getting my errors when trying to update my cart or push ''next'' while viewing my cart. It's a simple fix...IIS doesn't allow the call of a url without the index.php before all the variables....

In the /templates/orders_basket.tpl file:
Chage this line...

<form action='?p=$p&sOption=save' method='post'>

To this...

<form action='index.php?p=$p&sOption=save' method='post'>

Cheers...hope this works for you guys.


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2006-08-08 17:48

yes - it did work.

thank you tausend times.

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