Real WYSIWYG editor?


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2006-07-17 00:29

Hi, I have discovered QC few days ago. I like it's simplycity, clean and fresh look. Great work, thanx for it!

IMHO the integrated so called "WYSIWYG" editor is only small tool to help users who aren't familiar with HTML. But nothing more (beter call it Try To Know What Browser Interprets Editor ;). Is there any simple way how to integrate any real WYSIWYG editor (e.g. TinyMCE, openWYSIWYG, ...) into quick.cart? A plugin could be very helpfull from my point of view. If there is any way, how do we do that?


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-07-17 06:26

Zlinman - search using fckeditor, htmleditor or wysiwyg on this forum

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