How to remove html code from page title


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2006-07-03 12:03

Hello. I have a question. How can i change color of product name text? I tried to use <font> tag but it also appears in title of page. Any suggestions?
Thank you

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-07-03 12:29

hapkom - use ' not " in font tags


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2006-07-03 14:29

sorry more details plz =)

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-07-03 15:40

good: <font color='red'>, wrong: <font color="red">


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2006-07-03 16:16

well i use <font color='#ff0000'> but it still in page title =(


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2006-07-03 21:27

You should redefine css styles instead html tags

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-07-04 07:51

hapkom - edit actions_client/products.php and find:

$sTitleBefore $aData['sName'].' -';

change to

$sTitleBefore strip_tags$aData['sName'] ).' -';


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2006-07-05 12:39

treewood -Thank you! it works =) But i have 1 more question plz =) How can i make text link for details page. Like clicking on title ot picture but text link like "read more"?

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-07-05 13:07

hapkom - sorry but this is offtopic ... create new topic. topic closed. problem of this topic solved.

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