Maginf the default foto bigger in size


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2006-06-20 13:07

Hi all, I am interested in making the default_foto bigger in size inside the details of each product, so can you please suggest how it is ossible?

Thank you

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-06-20 13:42

liture - try to add first (default) photo not to big and display in details big photo. Change templates/products_more.tpl block where is PHOTO_DEFAULT and change sPhotoSmall to sPhotoBig or something that (dont remember).


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2006-06-20 14:26

I am using the default template but I cant manage to find the templates/defautls/products_more.tpl that you mention, can you please specify?


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2006-06-21 12:06

alternative way is to use FCKEditor and add as many as you want big photos on productsMore pages. Download from here:


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2006-06-21 14:35

Thank you for this suggestion, but what I need is to have it still automatic and not introducing it everytime

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-06-21 22:18

liture - what version of QC do You have?


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2006-06-22 12:04

I have Quick Cart Loaded version 1.2 with Spanish language.

The main problem is that I cant find for example what you mentioned and the place where the default_photo variable is controled

Thank you for your support, ad could you also help me in changing the values that the field of Price can accept sto enable it to accept characters as well?



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2006-06-26 04:41

sorry I mean I use 0.3.0

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-06-26 07:30

Then edit templates/default/products_show.tpl and in block FOTO_DEFAULT $aList[fotoSmall] change to $aList[fotoBig]


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2006-06-26 17:13

that worked fine thank you, I would like to ask weaher it is possible to control the output of imageBIg, I mean instead of displaying the full size big image coan I control it to limit the size?

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-06-27 06:19

liture - if You want display big image You need change size before add or edit config/general.php and change value of variable: $config['max_dimension_of_image']. give max length in px of bigger part image. for example 800 x 600, bigger part is 800.


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2006-06-30 19:57

thank you

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