Configuration Error


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2006-06-16 15:02


I have just uploaded to webvserver but there seems so be problem with configuration.

I am able to login to admin screen and categories. However when adding product no categories are available.

The cart can be view at

As you can see there are numerous errors showing.

No block: NO_PHOTO in file: templates/contents_menu.tpl
No block: LIST_LIST in file: templates/contents_menu.tpl
No block: LIST_HEAD in file: templates/contents_menu.tpl
No block: LIST_FOOTER in file: templates/contents_menu.tpl


No avatar

2006-06-16 15:03

missing the file templates/contents_menu.tpl maybe?

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-06-16 15:04

tc2000 - i think this file is empty... upload again this file

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