Randomproduct at right side of the shop v0.3.0 !


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2006-06-09 15:38


I have a question:

How can i put the $Randomproduct at the right side of the shop instead of the left side?

I tried many things, but unfortenately I could not get it right.

Any help would be appriciated. I am working with QC version 0.3.0

Thnx in advance!



Avatar: Claps

2006-06-09 16:19

ok, i only had version 0.3.1 on my computer. I made a few quick tests and the solution might be the following:
1. edit footer.tpl and right after the first line of file, which contains a </td>, add
<td >


Avatar: Claps

2006-06-09 16:22

or you can add <td class='menu_left'>$Randomproduct </td> and then the Random product box will look the same as in the left side .
Hope this helps.


Avatar: Claps

2006-06-09 16:50

well, I re-downloaded QCLoaded v.1.2 , and the contents of footer.tpl is:
<td class='menu_left' >

<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border: 0px; width: 100%;'>
<td class='footer'>
<table cellspacing='0' class='footer_2'>
<td style='padding: 2px;'>
alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" />
alt="Valid CSS!" />
<img src="$config[dir_tpl]$config[dir_template]img/php-powered.gif" alt='' />
<img src="$config[dir_tpl]$config[dir_template]img/no-database.gif" alt='' />
<td style='text-align: right; padding-right: 5px;' class='tekst10'>
$lang[version]: $config[version]
powered by <a href='http://qc.opensolution.org' style='font-size: 10px;'>Quick.Cart</a>


Avatar: Claps

2006-06-09 16:51

I made some tests on my computer and it works.


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2006-06-10 01:18

Hello Claps,

So far so good! It works! Thank you very much for your time!

The only thing that I was wondering was that if you look at the shop now and you see the randomproduct at the right, you still see it within the frame of the shop.

Is there any way to put the randomproduct outside of the frame, at the right of the shop?

I tried with iframes, but unfortenately no luck.

Again...many thanks! :-)



Avatar: Claps

2006-06-12 08:15

well, the layout of the shop (v.0.3.0 at least) is made by table. Putting the random product in the right was only a matter of inserting a column in place. For what you want you can try Floating Top Bar script from www.dynamicdrive.com.


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2006-06-12 13:18

I will check that out.

I would like to thank you for your time and effort te help me out :-)




Avatar: Claps

2006-06-12 14:10

No problem. If you need help with that script, drop me a line here, and will see what we can do.

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