Orders don't allways working


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2006-06-03 19:31

Why some orders don't be succesfull in version 0.3.1.?
There is no data in admin section or any email notification not be send.
Could it be about browser, firewall, antiVirus or somthing else? Or maybe orderer makes some mistakes in order event.
Somebody else must be notice this , pliis.
My customer is little of pissed of this problem...


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2006-06-03 19:36

let me know you have free server ??

15.000 mb hosting


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2006-06-06 11:57



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2006-06-06 12:15

XMMM ok can i see your site an your promlem ??

15.000 mb hosting


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2006-06-06 14:02

Some customers says that after they have fill order form their browswer jumps back to order form site.
Sorry my english is not so good I'm from finland
Not to notificatin site as it should.


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2006-06-06 14:51


i give a test order but i not see some promlem

My Freelance!


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2006-06-06 15:09

Problem is not allways there.
Is it even possible that QC is not working for all users?
Could there be somekind of security system in somebodys PC that makes that. I think not :(


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2006-09-28 15:46

i think the problem is tthe storage. i see online numbers like 2 4 6 8 and not 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 so the 3 /5 /7 orders are missing

Whoops wrong planet


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2006-09-28 18:50

henk see this thread:


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