products of one category on start page


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2006-05-13 15:03

how to use a catagory page as FRONT page, with full featues as, by products add to cart, not a static HTML page

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-05-13 15:27

Do You want show category type "products" as start page? If You want this use search engine. This problem was solved.


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2006-05-13 15:47

i tried to search but i canot find it, please can u give me some hint about search text ???

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-05-13 16:50

edit file "index.php"
and find:

if( !isset( $_GET['p'] ) || $_GET['p'] == '' )
$_GET['p']  = $config['start_page'];

replace to:

if( !isset( $_GET['p'] ) || $_GET['p'] == '' ){
$_GET['p']  = 'productsList';
$_GET['iCategory'] = 22// write here id of category You want



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2006-05-13 17:11

thanks treewood i got it

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