multipage checkout


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2006-05-11 12:46


I'am a newbie to Quickcart and have a question:

I would like to make/have a multipage checkout.
So the person who orders -> next -> additional fields -> next and then an overview page with the send button
Can someone point me in the direction of solving this?


wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2006-05-12 13:03

if i understand correctly you need one more page between basket and delivery page? if yes it is a lot of work, because you need to change or add some fields to db files


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2006-05-12 13:16

Thanks for your reply!

Ik think you are correct. What i want is that the checkout page is covered in several pages.
one page for the person who orders -> next page a filed for couriers nextpage: an overview
and the semd button.

I' am not a php guru, but can find my way in php so can you give me some hints / paths to follow ?

Help much appraciated!


Henny Zutt


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2006-05-16 10:27


Is there anybody that can point me in a direction with this?


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