Banner position problem


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2006-05-10 16:45

Where do I change the size of the menu bar, because my banner 700 X 55 has some litle space in the right and left and I want to make it just as big as the menu bar.
If I change the size of the banner it changes the layout of the shop, and moves to the right a little bit..
I hope someone understands…


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2006-05-11 12:54

look into the css-files.... and you will see ;-)



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2006-05-11 13:31

eh..come on, u can tell me at least a line where to look, ...


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2006-05-11 23:43

eh...come on, you can at least spend 5 minutes and look for it...
just check website code where and what class or id you want to modify, and then go to css and change it the way you want!
eh... come on, dont be lazy...


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2006-05-12 08:09

Believe me that I try to resolve my problems before I post on this forum.
I have tried everything but the banner won’t layout perfectly with the menu bar under it.
At the left and right margins there are still 1px or 2px empty spaces, if i make the banner bigger it moves a little to the right and it dose not look good..

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-05-12 08:12

miriam - then edit css and add styles to div block where is this banner: font-size:1px;line-height:1px;


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2006-05-17 13:08

hmm. i'm new to please be more specific...
so..i must edit the default.css and look for div block where the banner is and add: "font-size:1px;line-height:1px"

i think it is line 26 :
#container{width:740px;margin:0 auto;text-align:left;padding:0;background:#FFFFFF;}

thank u for your help....

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-05-17 21:32

miriam - best way will be if You send us url where Your shop is

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