Contact page


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2006-05-07 23:55

On my contact page:
The text put into the fields does not clear after the message is sent.
Can this be configured so the text fields i.e. email, subject and message are cleared after the message is sent.



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2006-05-12 00:16

Kindly renew my question
On the "contact us" page : How is the text removed after user as click 'send'.

i.e. On this web site if you go to contact us and fill in email and a message etc. After you click 'send' the page refeshes and the fields are cleared.

Couls someone kindly explain how to do this or should my web site be doing it any way?

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-05-12 08:08

pjba - edit file "templates/contact.tpl" and change in SEND_GOOD block:

<a href="javascript:history.back();">&laquo$lang[operation_go_back]</a>


<a href="?p=p_$config[contact_page]">&laquo$lang[operation_go_back]</a>


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2006-05-12 20:18

Thanks alot Treewood, that works a treat.
Would you be so kind to confirm this change too?

change in BEGIN SEND_GOOD block:
<meta http-equiv=''refresh'' content=''10 URL=javascript:history.back();'' />
<meta http-equiv=''refresh'' content=''10 URL=http://www.example/com/shop/index.php?p=p_1;'' />

or should it be with ; at the end?
<meta http-equiv=''refresh'' content=''10 URL=http://www.example/com/shop/index.php?p=p_1;'' />

Thanks again for your help


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2006-05-12 20:28

Sorry somehow its inculded an extra semi-colon (;) after the " at the end

should be:

or should it be no semi-colon:

Simple things can be diffiuclt to explain! Hope this make sense.


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2006-06-23 16:54

My contact page and all email is not workin at all. I sent myself an email from the contact page and I didnt receive any. Please help.


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