2 Shops 1 db


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2006-04-30 20:37


Anyone who know how to make 2 shop running from 1 db


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-05-01 09:50

SLawek - edit config/general.php and give in second shop path to first shop. for example: You have 2 shops in 2 dirs:
- 1 shop - shop1
- 2 shop - shop2

edit shop2/config/general.php
$config['dir_db'] = '../shop1/db/';
$config['dir_files'] = '../shop1/files/';


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2006-05-02 15:22

I was wanting to do something similar but need to share products between 2 shops but have different content pages for each shop. Is this possible?

If a product is visible in 1 shop can it be hidden in the other?

Can I have different conact e-mail for each shop?


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2006-05-16 00:13

Is this idea possible?

I want 2 shops with some common lines and content but some different (more is the same than different).

The contact info is different in each case.

Is the best way round this to update one shop and copy the relevant files to the other shop?

Thanks in advance

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