Inventory management?


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2006-04-27 20:23

FIrst off, quick cart is a very nice application!

Question: I noticed as I was entering product items that there is no way to track inventory. I have a small business that gets random sized lots of items (anywhere from 1 to 500 items) that I sell.

So naturally, I want to list everything for the cart, however I need some way for the cart to disable items when I run out of stock.

Is there any way to do this?



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2006-05-01 11:56

that's a nice thing
somebody who can make it?


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2006-05-01 14:48

citate", I want to list everything for the cart, however I need some way for the cart to disable items when I run out of stock."

Hm, is not automatically, but You can remove produc from inventory without deleting - go inside product on admin pane then under main write place, right on product position 0-999 , there is place with yes/no. Use NO for remove product from client sight. Is simple but NOT automatical.

just a tech test of some scripts and css on QC


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2006-05-01 15:42

But your visitors can't see that you sell THAT product
with the status out of stock or something
so they come back later


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2006-05-01 15:48

Maybe use image "sold_out" to product and price 0,0. But this is not elegant ;/

just a tech test of some scripts and css on QC


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2006-05-09 10:00

indeed it's not elegant

Somebody else who have a idea?


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2006-05-09 11:29

There is a quickcart that has that: quickcart-tek


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2006-05-09 12:34

I don't see a inventorysystem in the download
it's not a plugin are something?
so I can integrated to my shop (with al my plugins) and don't start over


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2006-05-09 15:47

no it is not a plugin.... after all: QC & plugins are for free but that does not mean you get what you want with no effort ;-)


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2006-05-09 21:50

I will pay
but i heard from treewood that a payment to polish not wil work from Holland


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2006-05-10 03:22

true, Poland is backhole on Europa/UE ;/ but please dont belive that we have white bears on street.


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2006-05-10 21:21

So how we gonna do that?

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