adding extra info fields


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2004-12-06 12:21

How can i add extra fields to the order page ?


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2004-12-06 15:13

normally :P
edit templates orders_delivery.tpl ... add field ... edit core/orders.php and core/orders-ff.php and db/orders.php and add fields/variables in functions and database


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2004-12-09 02:10

and edit lang/en.php and add the new display field for the form you added.


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2005-02-06 10:47

thanks for the tip. dont forget to add the field in the _print templates as well. or in the edit order for the admin. overall there are 7 or 8 files that need to be edited to add just 1 field. i will post back with details soon how exactly to add the info.



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2005-05-20 13:53

I use v2.5 and need a field of "product cost" only on the admin side (to find product by price range) treewood / wizzud would you do it for us?


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2005-05-21 16:45

wizzud / treewood will you help? (with "product cost")


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2005-05-21 18:03

this what i done in v2.5
,Array( "fcostPrice", "float" )
than in near the price added-
<td style='text-align: right; padding: 5px;'>
<input type='text' name='fcostPrice' value="$aProduct[costprice]" size='8' maxlength='8' style='text-align: right;' class='input' />

and added the
$lang[costPrice] to lang

but the price doesn't save in the db file?!
what wrong?


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2005-06-16 23:55

This is a list of files you have to change in order to set up a credit card and billing info fields.

inthe file named "lang" there is a language file depending which language you'd like to use you have to add the new variables.

Quick/templates/default/orders_delivery.tpl = In this file you have to editit you can use dream weaver add the fields each field must have a name as variable then go to the code source and in the line 6 of the array add the ne variables added to the orders_delivery.tpl

Quick/core/orders.php) In the line 25 you also have to add the new variables you added in the past file ,then in line 169 add the same variables that's for the funtion "checkOrderFields"

Quick/core/orders-ff add variables in line 334 and in line 352 you have to add the number of total fields eg array"'$'.$aExp[1]""$'.$aExp[2]""...

Quick\templates\default\footer.tpl line 26=>to chage footer

Quick\templates\admin\orders_show.tpl here you have to work on the design lines and add the fields(variables and lang) you added in orders_delivery.tpl this for the admin to see the order field and print the info if need it!

Quick\templates\admin\orders_print.tpl in thi one you will have to add same variables you did in orders_show.tpl

Quick\templates\default\footer.tpl edit the line 26

if you have questions emial me at


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2005-06-27 08:26

And to add more fields to the product info. Wich files i have to edit?.



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2005-06-27 19:08

Basically you have to copy the code into a HTML editor such us Dream Weaver or Front Page once this is done you will have 2 areas to work on(the design area and the source code area) then you have to edit the field you need in the design area, each field its got to be named; that name is the variable name you will add in the source code. to add new field and steps to change what you need please follow:

These are the files to change:

1)Quick/templates/default/orders_delivery.tpl = this is the first file you have to edit go in to design area and add your fields (remember each field has a name as a variable).once this is done go to the source code and in line 6 add the new variables of the new fields.

2) Quick/lang/en/ add the new variables in the language code (souce code area) you can do this after line 69 in "en.php"

3)Quick/core/orders.php) add varibles in line 25 eg: "$aOrder['variable name'],"also you have to do it in linea 175 with "function checkOrderFields" eg: && checkLength( $aForm['variable name'],

4)Quick/core/orders-ff in "function dbSaveOrder" line 336 you have to add the variables too eg: $aForm['variable name'], one this is done go to line 357 in dbSaveOrderStatus you'll see the line ending in '$'. $aExp[14]."$\n";well this is an array and must be fill the number of fields you added eg: if i added 3 new fields i have to write '$'. $aExp[14].'$'. $aExp[15].'$'. $aExp[16]."'$'. $aExp[17]."$\n";

5)Quick\templates\default\footer.tpl linea 26=>this is to change the footer but i recommend not to because is a gpn license.

6)Quick\templates\admin\orders_show.tpl in this fle you have to work with Dream Weiver or Front Page in the design area and add the new fileds just as you did back in point 1.note it is important tokeet the same chronological order for variables as i added them.

7)Quick\templates\admin\orders_print.tpl here you have to do exact you just did in orders_show.tpl

Note: you can work all this in your local host, once this is done and you want to upload it to your website(server) please remember to change all files to chmo777 sometime when you loging in to the administrator it gives you an error in "products-admin.php" in line 1 this is because the file did not copy to the server corectly so you migh have to do it manually.

If you have any questions let me know at



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2005-06-30 13:06

I use v025
and want to add new field - product serial number
treewood be nice and tell us how


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2005-08-31 08:14

cvdcxv cxv c

v xc v


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2005-09-14 20:20

how i can add fields to the Order basket form???
thanks ! :)


[pt] project

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2006-03-20 13:46

Hello everybody
I have QC v1.2
Where I add the new variables in cores/orders-ff.php ?
Thank's for our help

project InTempus

[pt] project

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2006-03-22 18:40

Hello everybody
I have QC v1.2
Where I add the new variables in cores/orders-ff.php ?
Thank's for our help

project InTempus

[pt] project

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2006-03-26 16:58

Does anyone there ?

I have QC v1.2
Where I add the new variables in cores/orders-ff.php ?
Thank's for our help


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2006-04-27 17:04

It appears to work without editing core/orders-ff.php in version 1.2.

and ...

is now


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2006-05-15 07:16

Slight Variation
I'd like to give my customers a dropdown list of states (one country only)
can anyone help

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