Send order error


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2006-04-18 00:50

i install this script and it looks great but i cat get the basket to work at all. when i add things to the basket and then press next on to order it asks you to fill in the detals once entered all it says "Please fill in all required fields" can some one please help.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-04-18 11:47

Homer - it seems ok


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2006-04-18 13:46

hiya if you contioue the order it dont send or doesnt appare on the pending in admin. you fill in all the boxes then press send and it asks you to complete the boxes. i dont understand what is going on with it.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-04-18 14:20

Homer - yes i see know. hm... js accepted form but php dont. try to var_dump( $_POST ); in actions_client/orders.php and check form


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2006-04-18 16:07

sorry where do i input that code to or chage to. im a bit lost my PHP skills are not that good. thanks

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-04-18 17:12

Homer - in actions_client/orders.php there is checking of form. change this check or paste var_dump( $_POST ); and check form


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2006-04-18 17:38

hiya i think it goes here:
if( !isset( $_SESSION['iCustomer'] ) )
$_SESSION['iCustomer'] = time( ).rand( 100, 999 );

require_once DIR_CORE.'couriers-'.$config['db_type'].'.php';
require_once DIR_CORE.'couriers.php';

require_once DIR_CORE.'orders-'.$config['db_type'].'.php';
require_once DIR_CORE.'orders.php';
var_dump( $_POST );
require_once DIR_CORE.'products-'.$config['db_type'].'.php';
require_once DIR_CORE.'products.php';

if( $a == 'Basket' ){

if( isset( $sOption ) ){

at the top of the form


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2006-04-18 18:54

ok it didnt work
im getting my host to delete the dir so i can restart again.
the dir that the cart was installed is not deleteing for some reason so im thinking its that.


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2006-04-18 19:49

ok still have the same problem please help. where do i enter the code as in what line.


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2006-04-18 20:46

thanks for helping anyway
i think i will donate to your company


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2006-04-18 22:32

Homer, any help? Can you give good code here?


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2006-04-18 23:51

hiya i found the problem. if you delete the following folders Libraries and templates and copy over them again from the zip it works. i had to get my host to delete those files beacuse they became write protected for some reason stoping me from deleting the folder. hope this helps


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2006-04-18 23:52

oh yeah one other thing.
Anyone know how to move the £ sign in front of the price instead of behind the price its really annoying. thanks


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2006-06-12 07:11

Im having this problem too of the order saying please complete all feilds after they already are and the order does not get sent.

Can someone say what to do hear.

Thank You !!

Sam I am

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