1 more bug - sendorder2client


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2006-04-12 16:11

Thank u wizzud for fixing the problem with productAttributes, it works beautiful, but i got one problem with sendOrderToClient.
The email that my customer recieve, between the "Below are products from Your order" and "Delivery and summary costs" the message is not text but it's html and it looks like this:

<a href="?p=productsMore&amp;iProduct=1">Soap</a><br />
<fieldset><input type="text" name="aElements[30]" value="1" maxlength="3" size="2" /></fieldset>
<a href="?p=ordersDelivery&amp;sOption=del&amp;iElement=30">De lete</a>

Do u know why?


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2006-04-13 08:07

when i disbale productAttributes it works just fine...


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2006-04-13 15:50

Product Attributes v2.2 is now compatible with sendOrderToClient v0.2

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