Startpage and main nenue


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2006-04-10 16:11


i want to have my startpage NOT on productlist but on "home" with the
new categorie "home". how can i configure that?

2. The main menue with product, basket and contact is ok.
but how can i change teh words? ("product"," basket")

Is it possible to put home on the very left side in teh main menue?

i hope someone can give me answers to those questions.



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2006-04-10 20:40

I can only answer nr 1, simply select the start page in the configuration module to be your wanted start page.

Im also looking for an answer on howto change the words of product/basket. I guess your trying to localize the quickcart aswell?


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2006-04-12 16:52

thanks for the help!

basket and product: (templates/page.tpl)

i already found it at the templates. but if you change it, it doesnt´show up again. maybe you help help me with that.

so and the other thing is:

where can i chane the red border-color? when you didn´t fill out all the
inputs you get a red border. can´t find where to change it.

i hope you can help me with that.

greetz royalrags



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2006-04-12 19:15

Any colour changes (I think) you have to make in default.css in the templates folder. I think this file was called style.css in older versions of QC, I have version 1.2.

You can change the colours for everything in there.


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2006-04-12 19:21

Also, any changes you make to category names like above, you have to change parts of other files to correspond with it. As soon as I have time I will find some more info if I can, although I'm not greatly knowledgable about it myself.


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2006-04-13 11:34

thanks for the information.

i think the css should be there, but i ca´t find teh right line. all other things
i already changed.

well, i have another problem:
if i take " " tags in the source of content it disappears after looking it up again! so it works with the browser but i have to type it in again if i edit the source.

anyway... thanks for your help.



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2006-04-13 12:13

found the color thing!

it under js/checkform


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