$aForm = changeMassTxt( $aForm, '', Array( 'sComment', 'lenH' ) ); ??


Avatar: Greg

2006-03-24 20:30

Can someone tell me what $aForm = changeMassTxt( $aForm, '', Array( 'sComment', 'lenH' ) );
means, especially the lenH part

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-03-25 09:06

Greg - see changeTxt( ) function in libraries/Trash.php


Avatar: Greg

2006-03-25 11:14

I did but I still don't get the Array( 'sComment', 'lenH' ) part

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-03-25 12:27

Greg - sComment (comment from order form) will be parsed by changeTxt( ) with parameter 'lenH' ... what changeTxt( ) do see changeTxt( ) function.

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