Problem with basketSummary


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2006-03-24 14:02

I have the problem that when I install basketSummary plugin my quikcart shows me all products on one page, like the products on page variable is unlimited.

I really need to be shown only a certain number of products per page!

Everithing works well when I disable the plugin.



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2006-03-24 17:01

This problem apears only when I'm logged in the administration area. When I sign out the site works.


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2006-03-26 04:39

What versions of QC and basketSummary?


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2006-03-27 12:31

basketSummary v2.0
QC v1.2


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2006-06-11 15:01

same here. I use qc 1.3
Very strange behaviour :)

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