QC 1.2 loaded???


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2006-03-22 07:43

Is there a QC 1.2 loaded version like on wizzud website for the QC 3.0 ?


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2006-03-22 17:48

this is very good question :-)
yes somethink like that or whit shopskin because mine is not working

but no I don't think so sorry :-(
I tried to fine somethink like that but I did not fined it

I think that that that shop is great but to hard for me who do not know somethink about php it's just too hard


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2006-03-22 19:58

here's the link to the dowload on wizzuds site.



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2006-03-23 07:01

Hello m00kie.The link is for the 3.0 version not for the 1.2 version.


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2006-03-26 04:53

There is not yet a Loaded version of QCv1.2 - coming soon.


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2006-03-27 16:30

Hi Wizzud, sorry to pester you, when are you likely to be uploading the fully loaded version 1.2 and will it have templateedit included ?

Keep up the good work, looks like a lot of people depend on your knowledge.....



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