Adding a Product ID field to QC 1.2

Royal Enfield Australia

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2006-03-15 11:06

Hello, I am new to this software and have a request to also allow the input of the Product ID of the product in to the listing. I have looked and no one has actually said how to add extra fields, and being a newbie of this software, makes it hard to do.

As an example:

I have a product with the following info:

Product ID - ABC-123
Name - Something
Category - List 1
Price - $1.99
Short Description - A small ammount of text
Full Description - A large ammount of text
Position - 1 (in the list)

I would like the Prouct ID to show in the Checkout, and the order form, but do not care if it is shown in the cart area. Can someone please advise me what files need to be altered and how I go about altering those files.

I understand that this help is on a voluntary basis and are greatful for any help provided.

I was going to ask for help with credit card fields as well, but have not bothered as there is no SSL on the site I am doing the cart intergration for, and feel it would be a security risk by adding that function.

Many thanks in advance.


David G

Royal Enfield Australia

No avatar

2006-03-15 11:07

I forgot to add, that I want this in the Admin side to add the product number/ID.


David G


No avatar

2006-04-10 12:51

That plugin would be perfect!!!!



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2006-07-16 11:11

So, no one able to help with this? I would like to get the extra field(s) in there as well.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-07-16 13:04

Royal Enfield Australia - if You want show product id in basket and order then edit templates orders_*.tpl and add variable $aList[iProduct]

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