Left product module

moe haidar

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2004-11-29 17:25

I was wondering is there a way to turn off the poduct menu on the left on a one of the content pages.


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2004-11-30 00:24

you will have to edit the template files - you need to know html for this

I believe it's in the head.tpl - make sure you back up this file before editing it.

moe haidar

No avatar

2004-11-30 17:41

But if i change the head.tpl that will effect all the pages. I only want change one of the pages so it wont have the left product menu.

moe haidar

No avatar

2004-12-01 06:15

I played around with the index.php and got it to work


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2005-06-04 12:14


I dont want to have the left product menu in my 'category'-content pages...only in the productpages


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