Flat File Format


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2004-11-26 22:29

Can someone please post the format of the Flat Files for the products_foto.php database?

For instance, please indicate what characters seperate what fields. That way I can manually fix the image upload issue.


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2004-11-26 23:55

Here ya go: 1$2$unavailable.gif$


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2004-11-28 23:02



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2004-11-29 21:03

But what are each field?

1$ is that the item number? What is the 2?

Is there a Carriage Return in there?


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2004-11-29 21:24

For anyone who is wondering it goes like this:
[]Position$Item Number$File Name$


[] = Carriage Return (Standard for Unix users but not Windows Users). If you are on Windows just copy and past the little square.

$ = Seperator

Position is the position of the picture.

The filename has to be in the quickcart/files/products directory and it also has to have a thumbnail with the _m on it. So if it's pic.gif you have to have a thumbnail pic_m.gif also.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2004-11-29 22:05

bossman52 - its not this
it is:


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2004-11-29 22:40

For You i create file where You can see structure of Quick Cart Flat Files. Below is link to dir where is structure placement



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2004-11-30 00:30

Thank you so much tree wood.


Avatar: john

2005-11-08 23:47

did the format for the products_foto "products_files" change with the update to 0.3.1



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2005-11-09 13:18

Hi Treewod

Where did the file with the flat file structure go?
it would be very helpfull when i shal update the products


Avatar: john

2005-11-10 20:35

Hello again,

I realy need your help with this one. As I am using PhP 4.3.2 i cannot upload the images automaticaly.
I do this manualy by editing the products_foto.php file (version 0.2.5)
Can anybody tell me what the format in version 0.3.1 is supposed to be.
for example: 2$7$vespa mok.jpg$description$

best regards


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