the big-5 works well in v1.2 great!!!!!!!!!!


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2006-02-14 10:27

big-5(chinese traditional) not work in v1.1,so it take me about 20 days to try other shopping cart like oscommerce,zencart,xtcommerce and fail and so tired.
when i download the v1.2 and test,it work well.
many thanks to the develop team.
my shop will open in these few days.
may be you can visit and give me some suggestions.


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2006-02-14 10:52

i am sorry that i just only happy for 10 min. because big5 also can't work on th page.
i think that it may be caused by the PHP show fuction.
can any body help me?

wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2006-02-14 11:47

try to ask your server admin...


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2006-02-14 13:38

i'm the admin
the host is in my home(statics IP)

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