I need delivery cost to be calculated for every item...


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2006-02-11 00:43

...in the cart.

Any suggestions?


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2006-02-14 16:08

Am I the only one who needs that?


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2006-02-14 18:50

I need it to but i don't think were alone...hopefully some kind person that also needs it will make a plugin for it some day :)


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2006-02-14 20:27

May be treewood do? :)


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2006-08-14 23:45

I could use this too. Has anyone any ideas?


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2006-08-15 19:53

Do you mean that you want to be able to specifiy the delivery cost on a per product basis, from the Admin backend?


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2006-08-17 05:54

Hi wizzud
Yes exactly that, I want to be able to specifiy the delivery cost on a per product basis, from the Admin backend. This is because my products vary in delivery cost due to large difference in size and weight and I also need to add up to 4 rates for each item to cover the different delivery zones In this particular situation items are typically shipped alone even in multiple orders.

I can get this to work, partly, by hiding the Courier field and using the Attributes plug-in, but it means I have to use Delivery Cost bands. Having bands to cover everything would result in a large number of attributes so gets a bit messy esspecially as I prefer to use 031 as it works with more older browsers - it is also easier for me to mod the templates (until I get my had round 1.3).

Using attributes as I've done also means that the checkout and invoice don't show the delivery charge separately.

If you have any ideas or can conjour up one of your magic plug-ins, that would be wonderful :-)


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2006-09-28 23:09

I see that other carts (Zen, OSCom, Cube) can use shipping by weight, where each product has a weight and the total weight is then charged within bands. That type of thing would be so good for QC :-)


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2006-09-29 15:12

That would be a great idea, using weight. Probably not too hard to create either...


Avatar: idaryl

2006-09-29 23:22

hey i asked about that here: http://opensolution.org/Quick.Cart/forum/?p=readTopic&nr=2861



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