three column


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2006-01-19 11:55


I am struggling a bit to get a 3 column design working.
My idea was to have the standard horizontal contentpage links vertically at the right of the content.
So it will look like:
leftcolumn(holds productmenu ) - Main Content - right column ( for contentpage menu )

anyone an idea where to move the td with the $content ?
i am using qc 0.3.0 ( wizzud's qc loaded 1.2 )



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2006-01-19 12:13

okay.. i found it ;-)
right after the </td> in footer.tpl insert something like this
<!-- right menu column -->
<td valign="top">
<td class='menu_top'><a href='?p=productsList' class='tekst_w'>$lang[products]</a>
<tr><td class='menu_top'><a href='?p=ordersBasket' class='tekst_w'>$lang[basket] $sBasketSummary</a>
<!-- end right menu column -->


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2006-07-02 02:23

Where is the file 'footer.tpl' located? I searched all the folders but I couldnt see it. Thanks in advance. :)


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2006-07-04 02:04

apple - footer.tpl was in older versions, presumably you are using one of the newer ones?

Go to page.tpl and footer is in there. Although I'm not sure that's where you should put the right menu column...

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