upload logo & banner problem


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2006-01-10 21:00

I have a problem when i try to upload the logo throught the adminpanel-->configuration-logo...
Looks like it does not upload or .... a image file i send.

And when i upload a banner it is resized..... but i want it as is to insert...
is that possible?

Thanks a lot!


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2006-01-10 21:02

sorry.. i forgot too mention... i use Wizzuds QCLoaded1.2


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2006-01-11 11:01

Regarding the banner, in /plugins/simpleBanner/simpleBanner.php there is a line

['simple_banner_size'] = 130;

Try changing the 130 to the maximum height/width you want your banner to be.

Regarding the logo: check that the image you're trying to upload is less than or equal to 760px wide, less than or equal to 500px high, and that the suffix is jpg, jpeg, gif, or png. Also check that you have write acces to the /files/img/ folder.

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