
Search Engine Optimization


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2006-01-08 04:44


how can i make the quick.cart shopo searchengine friendlyer?



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2006-01-08 04:44

like: productkeyword.html ?


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2006-01-10 15:32

Edit the $config['description'] and $config['keywords'] variables in the config/general.php.

And don't forget to register your site to the search engines, like Google, Yahoo, etc.



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2006-01-11 01:08

hello roland. its i mistake.

new try :)



you know, what i mean? i hope, anyone can help me.


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2006-01-11 09:54

Its by no means a simple thing to implement so-called SEO.
You have 2 things to consider:
1) outgoing URLs
2) incoming URLs

For outgoing URLs you have to change the PHP code that produces all your product/category/content links so that the links are provided in SEO form. This is potentially a huge task, unless you can find some way of using regexp replacements on entire pages of HTML code!

Incoming URLs could be a lot more straightforward IF your outgoing URLs are optimally structured and IF you are running on Linux with mod_rewrite available for use in the .htaccess file.


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2006-01-11 16:26

the more webmasters implement this SEO feature, the less weight it has in Google rating system. I believe it's importance decreased rapidly in the recent time. Don't worry about it, just make sure you have some news page which you update often with relevant articles, that will capture google's attention more than anything else.


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2006-01-13 14:57

I do prefer to eliminate the query string in my URLs, and I do so to:

- include keywords in my URLs
- to facilitate SE indexing of my site

The reality is that they will index your site with query strings. In fact, I listened to a podcast where someone from Google stated that they do index URLs with query strings. However, they know that URLs with query strings also require database involvement, so the slow down the rate in which that hit pages on your site to make sure they don't overwhelm your server. So, you are potentially slowing down the rate at which Google indexes your site, but you are not preventing your site from being indexed if you use query strings.

I am trying to find the interview, but not having much luck. I will post it here if I find it so you can listen for yourself.

There is a common misconception that SEO is all about putting well designed target keyword laden Description and Keyword meta tags in the header of your web pages. Since some of the SEs place very little value on the content of these meta tags, and others ignore them altogether, this is actually a VERY low priority task in SEO. One of the best things the Description meta tag helps you with is effecting the description that is displayed for your website in search results. It also is commonly used by directory sites as the description they display for your site. With keywords, I like to include common misspellings in the Keywords meta tag so I can get hits on them too with some SEs.

Another misconception is that the quickest way to initially start getting your site indexed is to use the Add URL feature that they typically offer. With some SEs, particularly Google, you have helped them identify your website as new, and guarantee yourself a nice long stay in the new website sandbox. If you are in the sandbox, and you are targeting phrases that are competitive, it won't matter how much SEO work you do for as much as a year and a half. If you want to start getting indexed, there are much better ways:

1) Get links to your site on websites that are already being indexed.
2) Install some of the tool bars such as Google tool bar, A9 tool bar, Yahoo tool bar. For the Google tool bar, turn on the PageRank bar, and for any of them, when you are installing, and they ask you to participate in their program that "helps them better serve you" agree to the request. What they will be doing is collecting the URLs that you visit, and they are added to the index.
3) Start using Google Sitemaps.
4) Add links to your website to your Yahoo! My Web 2.0 account. Make sure you make the links available to everyone, and put your target keywords in the Tags field.
5) Use blogging tools to start posting information that would be of interest to your customers, and register your RSS feeds with all of the RSS feed aggregator. Include links to your website pages in your content. NOTE: Use full URLs, not relative partial path URLs so that your links will be right when they are picked up on other websites, news readers, etc.

And the list really goes on...

Placing a ".htm" at the end of a query string will not hide the query string from the SEs. The ones that are looking check for "?", they are not checking for ".htm" or ".html".

One way in which you can have better search engine friendly URLs (as Wizzud indicates above), if you are using Apache, is to use mod_rewrite to dynamically rewrite your URLs. An example of a solution that does this very well is the CMS Drupal (http:// You would place the rules for rewriting your URLs in the .htaccess file.

The more important issues are to do your keyword research, write appropriate content like there is no tomorrow, and include your keywords in the appropriate places. And... make any of the "Over SEO'ed" mistakes that get you blackballed in the SEs.



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2006-01-13 15:05

In the last paragraph in my last post is stated "And... make any of the...". My mind was thinking "...Don't make any...", but my fingers must have decided that word was not needed. ;-) The word "Don't" was critical in that statement.



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2006-01-13 20:12

One thing I possibly did not make clear above is that to implement SEF URLs you have to set up BOTH incoming AND outgoing URL translation - my previous post could be read as saying you need one or the other.
It might seem obvious but if you don't set up the outgoing URLs then no-one will know what they are to be able to use them as incoming!


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2006-01-18 12:39

I think this can be done if you have possibility to use mod_rewrite.. At least I tryed it and hope it works :) All you need to do is change your links in templates and make matching settings to .htaccess. BTW i use QC v0.3.1.


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2006-01-19 11:48

@Novice : Could you please send a small example of a link you edited in a template and the mod rewrite rule you put in the htaccess to rewrite that particular link?

Thanks a lot!!


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2006-01-19 23:44

For example something like this:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^category(.*).php /index.php/?p=productsList&iCategory=$1

and to categories_menu.tpl:
<br />
<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='menu_left'>

<!-- END LIST_HEAD -->
<td class='menu_left_line'></td>
<td class='menu_categories'>
<img src='$config[dir_tpl]$config[dir_template]img/menu_image.gif' alt='' style='vertical-align: middle; paddi
ng: 0px;' />
&nbsp;<a href='category$aList[iCategory].php' class='menu_categories'><b>$aList[sName]</b></a>

<!-- END LIST_LIST -->

And now your category links are like /category5.php instead of index.php?p=productsList&iCategory=5


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2006-01-20 09:05

Thanks for the example... i will play around soon with it and maybe get some "title" parsed into the url to display....
Something like:


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2006-01-20 14:44

Hi! I tried but keep ending up with my index page of the webserver root or a url not found ... cannot find ... category11.php

Modrewrite works for i have some other application running with a SEF script.


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2006-01-20 16:22

Hi, I can't say why it doesn't work. I managed to get work some kind of solution. I didn't change every link and I didn't try parse "title" to url, but anyway it works :) Well I don't know if this is any good idea to use this kind of links, but I was fun to try.


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2006-01-20 17:11

oef... mod rewrite is "buggy " on my localmachine... online it works well...
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteBase /
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^category(.*).php /index.php/?p=productsList&iCategory=$1

I use now ....

show urls like you make with this might make it easier to crawl.. but i will try to add some extra to it like a product / category name....


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2006-01-20 18:29

mmm when i have clicked a category that rewritten like mentioned above somehow the content pages get wrong links:

more study is needed i see ;-)
for as i see on your website
ttp:// all works fine..


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2006-01-20 20:26

Few tips... you must add to templates to every link index.php... where it isn't and to forms form action 'index.php... This should fix your problem, because now your link is something <a href='?p=p_10... change it to <a href='index.php?p=p_10...


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2006-01-24 02:56

Novice: excellent SEF solution, but the QC 1.0 very different and not match the example:(. Help me please:)


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2006-01-24 10:08

Bj >>
Follow the principles, not the specifics.
Templates still have links and forms in them, regardless of version, so just search *.tpl for something like 'href' and 'action' and apply changes as indicated above.

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