I would like some of the main categories (like "Home" or "Contacts") not to have the left column with the product list... For example, in the demo http://opensolution.org/pl/ when you click on "kontakt" i would like the left colums (the one with "Namioty" etc.) not to be there.
Is this easily doable? Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance, Diodo
2005-12-28 20:01
it's easy if you want to remove this menu only. But if you need to use this place for enhance description or something, it is more difficult. For an example - http://www.sudety.net.pl/temp2/index.php?p=p_2 But I'm affraid you do not looking for it
2005-12-28 20:06
thanks orinoco!
actually i would like to be able to put different images depending on the category... but if that's too difficoult than your option (having it empty) is better than nothing. how did you do it?
2005-12-28 21:18
Open index.php file (in root directory) and there are the following lines (near end of file): else{ if( !isset( $sMenuCategories ) ) $sMenuCategories= listCategories( 'categories_menu.tpl', 1, true, $iCategory );